Tuesday, December 29, 2009


This is an article written by Marcia Montenegro of Christian Answers for the New Age.

Although there are rock groups in the past and present that used satanic lyrics and symbols, none have seemed to have actually created a cult following among teenagers and young people as has Marilyn Manson. Named Best New Artist of 1996 by Rolling Stone magazine, Manson's third album, "Antichrist" Superstar," which sold more than 1 million copies, reached No. 3 on Billboard magazine's survey....Continue Reading

Christians should not miss this very important part at the end of Marcia's article:

What is needed is outreach, not protest.

Although what Manson often declares is at odds with Christian belief, we Christians must be careful not to self-righteously condemn him, nor should we turn our heads away when we see teens dressed in bizarre outfits. What kind of message does this send? It only seems to prove Manson right in what he says about Christians. This attitude is alienating. What good is it to reject those who already feel rejected, or alienate those who feel alienated?

Instead, we should ask teens why they like Manson. Is it just the music or is it also the attitude and message Manson has? Be willing to address the issue of hypocrisy. There is hypocrisy in society and in the church. Why? Discuss this and listen. Be willing to admit some of what Manson says is true, because it is.

For anyone ready to put down Manson or the kids who like him, read First Corinthians 13. All your knowledge, words and faith mean nothing without love; you are as a "clanging cymbal." Keep in mind that Jesus hung out with all kinds of people when He was on earth, including many that were treated as outcasts by the culture of that day. Would not Jesus maybe be hanging out and talking with these teens who are Manson followers, if He were here today? I think so.

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