Thursday, March 20, 2008

Facts about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Sir William Ramsay, regarded as one of the greatest archaeologists ever, investigated the writings of Luke in an apparent effort to undermine the Gospel writer's credentials as a historian, and to discredit the entire New Testament. After 30 years of study, however, Ramsay concluded, "Luke is a historian of the first rank; not merely are his statements of fact trustworthy... this author should be placed along with the very greatest of historians."

* Gospel writers' accounts of Jesus' burial and resurrection
* Consider the strength of the evidence
* Consider the weakness of theories given to deny the resurrection
* Consider what historians say
* Further study
* References

Read the article

Genesis and the Cross


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Religion, Gnosticism, the New Age and all that….

There is more than one path to God.

Ever heard that before?

What about this?

All religions contain truth.

I’d like to relate a conversation I had with an atheist I once knew. The person in question is highly intelligent; a University graduate and a lecturer in food science. This occurred during my New Age days when I practised meditation and yoga. The atheist in question was a Malaysian Buddhist who practised Vipassana meditation and regularly attended retreats in Burma. At that time, I considered him to be advanced on the path. One day as we were talking about meditation experiences and techniques, the subject came around on the existence of a God. He made the following blunt and confident statements that somewhat startled me at the time:

“When you go deeply enough into meditation you eventually reach a point when you can actually see that there is no God. All our masters and teachers know this. You will soon see for yourself.”

Oh really?

I can’t recall how I answered. I remember thinking of a number of rebuttals off the top on my head, but we were in a gym and in between sets and I really liked the guy. And from previous conversations I considered him to be a tad smarter than the average Neanderthal I trained with. I remember thinking if my friend was right then these “masters and teachers” could tell us what was on the other side of the universe without having to send out space probes…right? They could tell us which planets were inhabited or not – all from sitting down and monitoring their breaths.

Do I sound cynical?

I hope so!

This intelligent man was telling me that by using the faculty of his own mind in meditation (but without rational thought), he could ponder the existence of God. Think about that for a while. This is a common presumption of New Age devotees…but there is one problem.

Some months later we were talking about a TV special where the Illusionist, David Copperfield, performed the stunt where he apparently walks through the Great Wall of China. My intelligent friend made another startling statement. He casually informed me that his teachers told him Copperfield had gone over to the dark side in misusing his powers.

Say that again!

It seemed that in this simple statement, the “Enlightened” house of cards was suddenly blown down by the wind of gullibility. It was then that I really probed him about his beliefs. No, he didn’t believe in a God but he did believe in “deities”…of course there are deities…and we are like “gods” learning through progressive incarnations. Proof? All we have to do is meditate and realize this for ourselves. My intelligent friend was deluded. He left logic and objectivity behind. Basically he was an accomplished food scientist and that’s all.

Over the years, I’ve researched more books and articles about the New Age, meditation and yoga than I care to admit. I read about Edgar Cayce’s jaunts through the Akashic records. I was even a member of the ARE. I also practised Kriya yoga through Pramahansa Yogananda’s “Self Realization Fellowship”. I read Annie Besant, Neale Donald Walsch, Richard Bach, Helen Schucman’s A Course In Miracles and many, many others. There are two main threads that run through all the claims made by most of these people and systems.

1) They claim some special knowledge of TRUTH that is derived by their own efforts or transmitted by certain masters (received in meditation).

2) They all - without exception - deny that Jesus Christ died to save us!

Now, someone might say, “If they all deny Jesus Christ died for our sins then, hey, maybe they’re right!”

This is where we get to the problem that I referred to earlier.

Here’s the thing: In all the research I’ve done; what with all the Akashic record readings and teachings by supposed ascended masters ad nauseam, none of these charlatans (yes, they are all charlatans) agree with each other except on that one thing:

That Christ did not come to die for us.

For example, Yogananda will tell you about Christ’s previous incarnations and so will Besant, Cayce and a host of others…but they’ll all contradict each other.

Now Neale Donald Walsch takes contradictions to new levels – he actually regularly contradicts his own statements in the “Conversations With God” books.

Walsch’s contradictions

Conversations With God

All paths and religions lead to God?

This is a logical fallacy based on careless assumptions. This can only be true if they all agree with each other about how this is achieved and if they all agree with each other, then there is only One Way.

The Buddhists are predominantly atheists. The Hindus believe in multiple gods. Islam contradicts Christianity regarding salvation. Islam teaches salvation by works (as does the New Age when you really dig into it).

The New Age. What is it?

World Views in Contrast

Assorted articles

Salvation According to the Old Testament: By Faith in Christ or by Faith and Works Apart from Christ?

The Teaching Of Islam

Christianity (true Christianity) is unique in that it teaches that it was Christ’s work on the cross that facilitated our salvation by Faith through Grace, not by works.


I believe the presumption that there are many paths to God or “whatever” has one basic motivation driving it - it frees the believer to do whatever he or she chooses without compunction. The alternative is an obligation to follow a certain path which may be choice restrictive. I think this is what motivates people like Oprah Winfrey and the gurus she surrounds herself with.

To this I say – CAVEAT EMPTOR

What do these people really know that you don’t and why would you trust them?

Would you buy a car or a house without checking it out first?

Would you marry a person without knowing something about them?

If there is a God who offers multiple viable alternatives to salvation, then is it logical that these paths contradict each other?

Think about it. Your decision may affect where you spend eternity

Choose well.

A presentation, explanation, and mini-argument for the faith

Monday, March 10, 2008

THE MAN GOD USES by Ray Stedman

In discussing our subject the term, man, is used in a generic sense which includes women as well. Man or woman, there is no respect of persons with God. God delights to use anyone, boy or girl, man or woman, who makes himself available to him. I suspect that if we investigated we would find in most hearts here a basic hunger to be used of God. If you have been a Christian for any length of time you have experienced something of this and you know the joy of it, the glory of it, the sheer excitement of it. There is nothing quite like the sense of having been a channel of divine activity, of having been used to do God's work.

I suspect that there is a hunger in your heart to be used of God not merely occasionally, but consistently. And to be used, not despite yourself, as sometimes happens (for the Scripture tells us that God even uses the devil, so if you are resting upon that you are in pretty poor company), but to be used with full acquiescence and acceptance of God's program for you. Doubtless you desire to be used to heal, to make right, to restore, to break down middle walls of participation, to unite that which is shattered and fragmented, to deliver from oppressions, from bondage and enslavement, to enlighten and open eyes, to illuminate reality, to dispel mists, illusions and visions, and to empower, enrich, fulfill, and intensify. All these are descriptions of the work God is here to do, and what he will use you to do if you are available to him. It is exactly what God proposes to do with each one of us. and thus to be used is what gives meaning and purpose to life.

Without this, the best we can do results in a sense of deadness. meaninglessness and pointlessness. We might give a most impressive display of energy, vitality, and activity, but when we get to the end we shall have to ask ourselves, What's been the point of it all? In the day of the judgment of the believer before God he may say to us, "What you did was interesting, and active, but you missed the point." Thus I suspect that with many of us there is a very deep desire to be used of God. I confess, for my own part, that I will be quite content if it could be written on my tombstone what I once saw on another's, "He was used of God."

Spiritual maturity, becoming grown up as a Christian, is nothing more nor less than to be made ready for consistent use by the Spirit of God. When you have reached that place it will be marked by certain signs, which are unconsciously revealed to us by the apostle Paul in a well-known passage from the first chapter of Romans:

"I want you to know, brethren, that I have often intended to come to you (but thus far have been prevented), in order that I may reap some harvest among you as well as among the rest of the Gentiles. I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish: so I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome. For I am not ashamed of the gospel: it is the power of God for salvation to every one who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."

It should be quite apparent that the apostle is not drawing a deliberate self-portrait. He does not intend to talk about himself or what kind of a man he is; he is simply breathing out to these Roman Christians, many of whom he has never met, a long standing desire on his part to come to the capital of the Empire to visit them and to have a ministry among them. But in the process of doing this he unconsciously reveals the qualities of the man or woman that God uses. This we will look at together...Read the article