Friday, February 27, 2009

Constance Cumbey offer

Constance Cumbey has spent many years tracking New Age trends and its slow yet consistent infiltration of Christianity and society at large. She and her team of volunteers also supply cutting edge information on the UN, Europa and the Globalist agenda.

While I do not agree with absolutely everything Constance has to say, I think her work is invaluable.

Now she has generously offered her books for free download HERE.

Thank you, Constance.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Your prayers reveal the level of your maturity

Some of us struggle in prayer. Unfortunately, I confess that I do sometimes. Does it ever feel like an obligation to you?

In his devotional book “Drawing Near: Daily readings for a Deeper Faith” February 18, here’s what John MacArthur says:

“Your prayers reveal the level of your maturity.”

Typically, Paul’s prayers reflected his concern that his readers mature spiritually. That is impossible without prayer, because spiritual growth depends on the Holy Spirit’s power, which is tapped through prayer.

Prayer is so vital that Jesus instructed His disciples to pray “at all times” (Luke 18:1). Paul commands us to “pray without ceasing” (Thess 5:17). Peter said we should be “of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer” (1 Peter 4:7).

Now this is the interesting part:

Scripture gives many commands to pray, but the true test of your spirituality is your compulsion to pray, not simply your obedience to commands. As a Christian you exist in a spiritual realm in which prayer is as natural as breathing is in the natural realm. Just as atmospheric pressure exerts force on your lungs compelling you to breathe, so your spiritual environment compels you to pray. Resisting either brings devastating results.

The more you see life through God’s eyes, the more you are driven to pray. In that sense, your prayers reveal the level of your spiritual maturity. Paul prayed with urgency day and night because he shared God’s love for His people and His concern for their spiritual maturity.

Examine your own prayers. Do you pray from a sense of duty, or are you compelled to pray? Do you pray infrequently or briefly? Do your prayers center on your own needs or the needs of others? Do you pray for the spiritual maturity of others? Those important questions indicate the level of your spiritual maturity and give guidelines for making any needed changes in your pattern of prayer.

Dr MacArthur then suggests that we thank God for the privilege and power of prayer. If we have neglected our prayer or prayed selfishly, we should confess our sin and to ask God to give us a sense of holy urgency in prayers. Are there people we should be consistently praying for?

Dr MacArthur’s suggestion for further study is to read Daniel 6:1-28 in light of the following questions:

What was Daniel’s pattern of prayer?

What accusation did the political leaders bring against Daniel?

What was the king’s attitude toward Daniel?

How did God honor Daniel’s faith?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Jan Markell interviews Gary Cass

This is another MUST Listen for all Christians!

February 7, 2009 - Hour 1Dr. Gary Cass from the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission joins Jan to warn of the targeting of Christians under the new administration. From the "Fairness Doctrine" to "hate crimes," believers now have to watch their step. Christian broadcasting will be the first to be cut off under the rule of the new Federal Communication Commission. "Understanding the Times" radio could soon be history.

The Rapture vs. Witnessing

For those of us who lean towards the possibility that the Lord may return for the church before the 7 year tribulation (whenever that may occur), here is some wise counsel from Ron Graham.

Mr Graham's article is applicable to all Christians regardless of their eschatological beliefs. What are we doing with our time? I confess that he hits a nerve with me.

The end times are approaching and the signs spoken of by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 are spilling out continually onto the scene today and are pointing dramatically to Christ’s soon return. Believers can see the signs if they are alert and watching. As Dr. Chuck Missler puts it "We must be well versed in the scriptures to accurately ascertain the time of the signs”. There is a preordained time that the signs are going to appear, and what we see happening all around us are the birth pangs that are so aptly spoken of in the scriptures.

I for one can’t imagine this world going on the way it has in the past. Signs that point to the end time when Jesus will return aren’t just subtlety appearing on the scene, they are exploding with a fierceness that’s unparalleled in mans history. We can watch this explosion on our television sets, radios, internet, newspapers, and from every other direction one can imagine. This was not the case even ten years ago; the birth pangs have arrived.

So just what are our options as believers now that we are beginning to witness a plethora of recurring signs which we are assured will occur just before Jesus' return? We have many options. They include such things as witnessing fervently to our family and friends. Being in constant prayer is an admonishment from the Apostle Paul, maintaining a close relationship with our Church family. Create and maintain an atmosphere of love and support for those who are shut-ins and especially provide for those who lack provisions.

In these last days all Christians should be intent on always keeping abreast of whatever intrusions the enemy might devise against the brethren. In these last days Satan is going to hit hard against anyone who promotes the name of Jesus and diligently proclaims His message. The last thing any Christian will want is to be caught alone and off guard when the evil comes down, and it is coming. Solitude creates evil bedfellows. Continue in fellowship, the breaking of bread together, encouraging one another... Read more