Sunday, November 30, 2008

Death and Suffering Questions and Answers

Creation Ministries International tackle another subject that has generally confounded mankind throughout the ages. I’ve read many inept essays by religious leaders attempting to tackle this thorny issue. I remember quite clearly how many struggled to explain how a God, if He really existed, could have possibly allowed the Indonesian Tsunami to take so many lives.

But God really is on His throne and He is in sovereign control. The universe isn’t a chaotic accident that occurred in our primal past, as the atheists would have it.

So, what are the answers? The answers are found in God’s word, the Bible.

Here is a sample of titles that CMI have addressed. If anyone has any further questions or troubling concerns, I can personally vouch that the CMI team are only too happy to graciously respond to e-mail queries, and I strongly recommend that people take advantage of that resource.

How can an all-powerful, loving God allow suffering and death?

Why would a loving God allow suffering?

How did bad things come about? (From The Creation Answers Book)

9/11 and the real ‘enemy’

Why is there death and suffering? (available in Italian)

The problem of evil (response to critic explaining the logic involved)

CMI answers philosophy/religion professor on biblical exegesis and the problem of evil

When did evil begin?

The Fall: a cosmic catastrophe: Hugh Ross’s blunders on plant death in the Bible

Cosmic and universal death from Adam–s fall: an exegesis of Romans 8:19’23a

Answering angry anti-Christianity (response to critic)

Crossing the thin red line: There are answers

The Fall into Sin

‘Lost’ without Genesis: coping with the ‘death wave’

The awesomeness of death

Two histories of death

Waves of sadness: Tsunami terror raises age-old questions (available in Spanish)

More titles HERE

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"How to be a Witness" Acts 1:8

Wintness according to Strong's definition:

Of uncertain affinity; a witness (literally [judicially] or figuratively [generally]); by analogy a "martyr": - martyr, record, witness.

Pastor Joe Focht has some excellent teachings on audio. Acts 1:8 is an especially good one, I think. You can listen to it HERE

Friday, November 7, 2008

Why should the Bible be trusted?

Another great resource from:

Creation Ministries International

Frequently asked questions listed by topic

Is there evidence that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, rather than mere stories and opinions of uninspired men?

The Authority of Scripture (available in Spanish)

Jesus Christ on the infallibility of Scripture

Holy Books?

Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy—with exposition (posted on Biblical Hermeneutics Web site)

The Christian and Authority (The inerrancy and primary authority of Scripture, Elliot Miller, Christian Research Institute)

Bible and Christian Theology (FAQ, Christian Answers Network)

M-A-P-S to guide you through Biblical Reliability (Hank Hanegraaff, Christian Research Institute)

The Bible’s Manuscript Evidence (Hyde Park Christian Fellowship)

The Textual Reliability of the New Testament ((Semi-Technical) Tekton Apologetics Ministries)

The Textual Reliability of the Old Testament ((Semi-Technical) Tekton Apologetics Ministries)

The Inspiration, Inerrancy, and Authority of the Bible

Manuscript Support for the Bible's Reliability

Can we believe the Gospels? A former chief magistrate examines the witnesses to the resurrection

Book review: The Sufficiency of Scripture

The first book of public hygiene

Modern medicine?

See Q&A: History: Biblical Chronology

Where did the individual OT books come from, and how were they combined to form the OT?

The Formation of the OT Canon ((Semi-Technical) Tekton Apologetics Ministries)

What is the importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls? (Associates for Biblical Research)

Are there answers to skeptical attacks against the Bible?

The Da Vinci Code: Secret hidden truth?

Da Vinci Code apostate challenges CMI

Materialist ‘defence’ of Bible fails (defence of the supernatural in Biblical miracle reports)

See Q&A: Countering the Critics: Refuting alleged Bible errors

Can the Bible mean anything we want? Or are there clear rules for interpreting it?

Should Genesis Be Taken Literally? (analysis of different types of literature in the Bible, and how to interpret each)

L-I-G-H-T-S to the Word of God (Hank Hanegraaff, Christian Research Institute)

Biblical Hermeneutics (Semi-technical, Biblical Hermeneutics website)

Genesis: What does it really teach, should it be trusted, and why does it matter?

See Q&A: Genesis

Are there special codes embedded in the Scriptures that can be used to predict the future?

What about the ‘Bible Codes’?