Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pastor Chan Resources

Here is an audio resource that I highly recommend listening to. Pastor Chan of Cornerstone Church is on fire for God and everything he says is bound to impinge on our, sometimes, lukewarm attitudes.

Audio files

Thanks to Alesia for the tip.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Gay Marriage and Homosexuality

Gen 2:24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh...

Why shouldn’t loving homosexual couples marry?

Any discussion about gay marriage is really a question about the legitimacy of homosexuality itself. If homosexuality is wrong then so is gay marriage. From a homosexual and atheistic perspective, there would probably be no question about either the right to marry a person of the same gender or engage in sexual activity. There are several arguments and claims commonly proposed by both gays and their apologists to defend these activities. Here are some:

1) There is no God; the Bible is irrelevant; there is no reason why I shouldn’t pursue what I want.

The first argument is commonly used to justify whatever pursuit the believer desires and is not restricted to the subject of this article. If God does not exist and this world is a result of a cosmic accident, then there is no moral law and no good or evil. If such is the case, then the only law is that which is agreed upon by those who can impose it or those who can get away with it. The inherent danger of this view is that moral law is then determined by those in control at any given time and, therefore, is in constant flux. Eventually, any action can be justified under this scheme – eugenics, bestiality, group marriage, mass murder etc.

It’s not uncommon for those who want freedom of sexual expression to be actively involved in opposition against belief in a God, Christianity and Biblical inerrancy. Scott Bidstrup is one example of a homosexual journalist who has attempted a rebuttal to Lee Strobel’s book. Notwithstanding these attacks, Christian apologists are well able to RESPOND to any rebuttal or debate. How have you justified your belief to yourself? Have you diligently checked all the arguments pro and con?

Morality and Ethics Questions and Answers

The Holocaust and evolution

Answering the ‘new atheists’

2) I was born gay. God made me this way, therefore it’s OK.

The second argument is problematic on the basis that some people are born with both physical and mental disabilities. Given this view, if a baby has a congenital heart disease, are we then acting contrary to God’s wishes if we provide medical assistance? If a man is born with a proclivity to violence or an attraction to children; is it justifiable for him to act upon this God-given impulse? There isn’t any scientific data that conclusively shows there is a gay gene, but even if this were the case it would not automatically make it right. We live in a fallen world where disease and accidents occur and this is not necessarily the will of God.

My genes made me do it!

Death and Suffering Questions and Answers

3) I’m not hurting anyone.

Contrary to the assertion of the third argument, certain homosexual activities are, in fact, dangerous and diseases and violence within the gay community are prevalent. Unfortunately, the mainstream media will not readily make this sort of data available and it is politically incorrect to mention it. Ironically, governments legislate to minimize smoking, accidents in cars, drug usage etc because of the financial and human mortality costs they incur on society, yet the practise of homosexuality is treated as sacrosanct.

Homosexuality Statistics

Homosexuality and health

Homosexuality and Murders

Gay Bowel Syndrome

4) People who speak out on, or disagree with, the practise of homosexuality and gay marriage are homophobic.

The expansion of the Hate Crimes law to supposedly protect gays actually enforces this view. The phobia label is an effective apparatus utilized by activists and, sometimes, well-intentioned legislators to shame and frighten dissenters from expressing opinions about homosexuality. That I disapprove of a certain conduct does not directly follow that I fear or hate the individual practising it, yet the law will soon prosecute me for expressing that opinion. Pastors and priests will soon risk breaking the law if they refuse to marry gay couples, even if it contravenes their own fundamental religious beliefs and despite the fact that gay couples have alternative options.

A genuine Christian will not hate an individual as this is against our faith. We are directed to witness to, love, and pray for all. So when Christians vote against legislation to permit gay marriage or express an opinion against it – what they are doing is practising their faith in God, freedom of speech and right to vote – not hating gays. Someone who wants to remove a crucifix or Nativity Play from a public place might just as easily be classified as Christophobic. Someone who speaks out against stealing could be labelled kleptophobic, and the list goes on.

Gay Agenda

Matthew Shepard

5) The Bible does not condemn homosexuality.

Finally, there are “Christian” ministers and pastors who teach that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. Often the book of Leviticus is invoked – specifically Lev 18:22 and Lev 20:13 where the Bible condemns that practise. It is then argued that because the intricate rituals in that book are no longer observed and not applicable to modern Christians that, therefore, references to homosexual behaviour are also now irrelevant. Yet the following verse is quite clear:

Lev 18:22 'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.

Furthermore, in chapter 20 there are also a number of commands against adultery, incest, cursing, bestiality, offering children to Molech etc. Using the above logic one could then argue that these could also now be permissible. But the reason that Leviticus had so many purifications and rituals was because the offerings and sacrifices were meant to vividly point to Christ’s Perfect Future Sacrifice on the Cross as our Saviour. In other words, the book is symbolically prophetic. The whole process had to be exact because God is exact. Christ’s sacrifice had to be perfect to pay for ALL of humanity’s sins and Leviticus reflected this truth. The rituals are no longer necessary because Christ’s redemptive work was accomplished at His death but the essence of the commands and warnings are all still relevant. I suggest reading Herbert Lockyer’s “All the Messianic Prophecies of the Bible”. This book helps to show how the Bible is a unique integrated system that points to Christ.

The problem of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is usually explained away by the suggestion that God was punishing the people because of inhospitality based on Eze 16:49-50. But apart from inhospitality, verse 50 clearly tells us that Sodom also committed abominations - “They were haughty and practiced abominable deeds before me. Therefore when I saw it I removed them.” (NET)

That this is the case is corroborated by Jude 1:7 - “just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.” Rom 1:18-27 and 1 Cor 6:9-10 also support the truth that Scripture, taken as a whole and in context, condemns homosexuality. Another tactic employed by some is to imply that David and Jonathon, and even Christ and John the beloved disciple were engaged in homosexual activity. But all these claims can be easily shown to be erroneous.

There are very clear Scriptural warnings for those who would lead the flock astray (Mat 7:15, Mat 18:6, Jas 3:1) and God’s relationship with the church is often compared to a Holy and Pure Marriage between a husband and a wife (2 Co 11:2, Eph 5:25-27, Rev 19:7-9, Rev 21:9).

Ultimately it gets down to this - if there is no God then none of this matters. But if God really does exist then our decisions will have Eternal Consequences. Do we serve and please ourselves or God? It's not just homosexuality that displeases God - it's all sin regardless of how small. All of us have failed but the good news is that Christ has provided for us by His work on the Cross. Please visit the following links that further discuss Salvation:

Salvation Issues

The Pearl

Further reading:

God's Plan for the Gay Agenda

The Sin of Sodom--Genesis 19

The Book of Leviticus

Studies on Leviticus