Thursday, September 25, 2008

Urgent prayer needed for Orissa

Hi my brothers and sisters in Christ,

Please get this prayer request out to as many as possible as soon as possible.

Dear Brother Reggie Naidoo,

Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thank you for all of your concerned prayers lifted at the Throne of Grace on our behalf during the past. It is with a great burden that I share this Prayer Request with you that you may pray for us and also encourage your family and friends to go on their knees to seek the Lord on behalf of the Christians who are persecuted in Orissa, Karnataka, and in the other parts of India, during the past months, which is still continuing.

As you would be aware through the media coverage, the Christian community in Orissa, India, is facing a desperate situation as their homes are being looted and burnt, churches demolished, people beaten to death and in some gory cases the homes were locked from outside and torched killing all those who were inside. The fanatics and fundamentalists are hand in hand in these places with only a single purpose in mind and that is to wipe out the Christians and all the Gospel related activity as much as they could as they do not want to see the kingdom of God expanding on this earth.

So far hundreds of churches have been demolished to the ground, houses burnt to ashes, many people tortured, beaten and murdered, and in some cases as I have mentioned above, houses were locked from outside and torched by the fanatics.

Thousands of people have become homeless and are taking shelter in the thickets of the nearby jungle that is home to many wild animals including tigers. There is nothing to protect them from sun, rain and the cold at nights. The children have no milk to feed on, the adults have no food to eat, no clothes to change and no clean water to drink. The people keep on moving from one place to another for the fear of being detected by the fanatics. If they come into the village in search of food, they will be caught and beaten, however, people risk their lives and sneak into the nearby villages at night to grab whatever they can and return to the jungle to feed their wife and children. These kind of atrocities have been there on for years in many parts of India, but now it has taken a new dimension and very vicious.

Your prayers are very much needed for God to touch the fanatics and those who are against the spread of the Gospel, and ease out the situation that peace may reign again in these areas and that people could lead a normal life free from all fear and violence.

Thank you in advance for taking this into your heart. We love you very much and greatly appreciate your concerned prayers on our behalf.

In Christ Jesus,

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

God Questions and Answers

Following on from the previous post:

Creation Ministries International

answers some more questions relating to God.

Does God exist?

Is one God really three persons?

How can an all-good God allow evil in the world?

What about the attributes and names of God?

Read the answers here

Monday, September 8, 2008

Jesus Christ Questions and Answers

This is an excellent resource from:

Creation Ministries International

Is Jesus really God?

What is the evidence that Jesus ever existed?

Did Jesus Christ really rise from the dead?

Was Christ really born of a virgin? Are there answers to the sceptical objections?

Did Jesus fulfill any prophecies?

Is it rational to believe in Jesus’ miracles?

Jesus Seminar: Facts or fallacies? Are the ‘gospels’ of Thomas and Judas reliable?

What about the claims of The Da Vinci Code?

Was Christianity just copied from pagan mythology?

What is the difference between Gnosticism and Christianity?

Why is Jesus Christ given the title of ‘the last Adam’ in 1 Corinthians 15:45?

Click here to get the answers.