Sunday, November 30, 2008

Death and Suffering Questions and Answers

Creation Ministries International tackle another subject that has generally confounded mankind throughout the ages. I’ve read many inept essays by religious leaders attempting to tackle this thorny issue. I remember quite clearly how many struggled to explain how a God, if He really existed, could have possibly allowed the Indonesian Tsunami to take so many lives.

But God really is on His throne and He is in sovereign control. The universe isn’t a chaotic accident that occurred in our primal past, as the atheists would have it.

So, what are the answers? The answers are found in God’s word, the Bible.

Here is a sample of titles that CMI have addressed. If anyone has any further questions or troubling concerns, I can personally vouch that the CMI team are only too happy to graciously respond to e-mail queries, and I strongly recommend that people take advantage of that resource.

How can an all-powerful, loving God allow suffering and death?

Why would a loving God allow suffering?

How did bad things come about? (From The Creation Answers Book)

9/11 and the real ‘enemy’

Why is there death and suffering? (available in Italian)

The problem of evil (response to critic explaining the logic involved)

CMI answers philosophy/religion professor on biblical exegesis and the problem of evil

When did evil begin?

The Fall: a cosmic catastrophe: Hugh Ross’s blunders on plant death in the Bible

Cosmic and universal death from Adam–s fall: an exegesis of Romans 8:19’23a

Answering angry anti-Christianity (response to critic)

Crossing the thin red line: There are answers

The Fall into Sin

‘Lost’ without Genesis: coping with the ‘death wave’

The awesomeness of death

Two histories of death

Waves of sadness: Tsunami terror raises age-old questions (available in Spanish)

More titles HERE

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