Wednesday, December 10, 2008

There is no Rapture?

Some good thoughts by a fellow Aussie:

There is no Rapture?

By Keygar

What if there’s no rapture? What if an angel appeared to me right now and said “sorry mate, you got it wrong, there isn’t any rapture, you’re going to have to go through the tribulation, do you want to call it quits?”

“No way” I’d say (by God’s grace, after getting up off the ground). God has got me this far, I’m sure He can get me all the way to finally be with Him. If I have to lose my head (literally) during the tribulation, I’m sure He’ll give me the grace to endure to the end. Would I want to keep my life anyway, and be like the Christian haters who will run the earth during that time? In a fit me thinks, and my head has never been much to look at anyway.

It amuses me though, and saddens me, how many so-called Christians really verbally attack other Christians who do actually believe in a rapture event. I even wonder if they are Christians. They certainly don’t exhibit the fruit of love, patience and tolerance. I have no problem with or grudge against those Christians who don’t believe in a rapture. Who knows, they might be right. DOES IT REALLY MATTER to the point of being rude about it. Surely the main thing is to eventually be with Christ forever no matter what suffering or persecution may or may not precede that...

Read the rest of the article HERE

Note the concluding thoughts:

But, ultimately, my faith and hope and joy doesn’t lie in "a rapture", it lies in the person of Jesus Christ. He alone I REALLY am totally sure about. Not the rapture, not the scoffers, not the world, not the politicians, not other Christians, not my family, but ONLY, Jesus Christ. I am happy just writing about it. I can’t wait to get to heaven, whenever that will be.

Well said!


Anonymous said...

Thanks. I can tell that you would love to Google "America's Pretrib Rapture Traffickers." Bill

Alf Cengia said...

I happen to be familiar with Dave MacPherson's “literary” efforts, Bill.

I would welcome your own personal observations from a Scriptural viewpoint, rather than you simply suggesting me to Google anti-pretrib propaganda as so many others like you seem to habitually do.

In Christ
