Friday, February 22, 2008

Are Pre-Tribulationists in danger of delusion regarding the Tribulation?

A further response to some comments I have picked up on in different forums…

Shouldn’t we prepare for the Tribulation?

“One of the weakest arguments for rejecting the pre-Trib position is that we should be preparing the church for the coming Tribulation; otherwise, Christians will be unable to endure the sufferings of those months of calamity. After all, the thinking goes, the church today is so self indulgent that it will crack under the attacks of the Antichrist, or will become disillusioned if it expects to be raptured prior to the Tribulation but wakes up one day to find the church is entering the Tribulation. Some ministers even say that those of us who offer the hope of a pre-Tribulation Rapture will be attacked by angry Christians if it turns out that believers have to go through the Tribulation after all.”

“Such a pessimistic view not only blasts the Rapture but sells short the enabling ministry of the Holy Spirit. If the church were forced to proceed through the Tribulation, we would not be abandoned by the Spirit of God. Philippians 4:19 would not be torn from our Bibles, for God would still supply all our needs. Besides, how would one prepare for such a time of tribulation? True, we could memorize more Scripture, but you don’t need the threat of tribulation for that.”

“All agree that people will be saved during the Tribulation. These Tribulation saints will be martyred for their love for Christ. The Holy Spirit will provide these Tribulation martyrs supernatural grace to be faithful until death. It seems ridiculous to me to promise God’s sufficiency to these new baby believers and then warn today’s Christians that unless they are prepared properly, they won’t be able to make it during the Tribulation.”

by Tim LaHaye “The Rapture - Who Will Face the Tribulation?"
pages 71-72

Amen to that!

I might also ask this of those who privately hold to some loftier moral position just because they believe in a Mid-Week, Three-Quarter-Week or Post-Week Rapture;

What is it, exactly, that you are doing that you think your pre-Trib brothers and sisters aren’t doing, to prepare for the Tribulation, or even a possible pre Daniel’s 70th week persecution/martyrdom?

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