Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tim LaHaye And Hank Hanegraaff

Some time ago, on another site, an individual was commenting on a supposed dispute between Tim LaHaye and Hank Hanegraaff. This individual suggested that LaHaye had started the feud and I got the distinct impression that LaHaye was being singled out as the bad guy. This is, no doubt, due to his rapture belief. I find this ironic as Hanegraaff is a partial preterist, has no love for Israel or pre-millennialists as a whole and has even gone so far as to call dispensationalists anti-Semites. It’s a wonder to me that LaHaye should get this sort of treatment by another Christian, whether it be Hanegraaff or the commentator.

I remember hearing of LaHaye, and later, the Left Behind books just as I was coming out of the New Age. I remember mocking him as well. I’m still not a big fan of the books from a literary viewpoint but I have no doubt that Tim will get a “Well Done” from the Lord.

I’m sorry I judged Tim LaHaye back then.

This is an article by Jill Martin Rische, the daughter of the late Walter Martin, who was a Post-Trib believer. The article appears on which is owned by Jacob Prasch and who happens to be Pre-Wrath. May God bless them both!

The article's primary focus is on Hanegraaff but it also gives the reader an insight into the real LaHaye.

Tim LaHaye And Hank Hanegraaff: The Men Behind The Headlines


Unknown said...

Well Brother mac,

have reviewed some of the pre-wrath sites our visitor "left behind"
...please excuse the pun, I couldn't
help myself.

Looks to me like they clearly have wrong understanding of 2 Thes 1-4,
and the word mistranslated "rebellion"! You get an opposite understanding when you know the real meaning of the word is "departure". Antichrist will not come till after the "departure"
....not "rebellion".
That's not only hole I found in their misquotes of Scripture.

They really like to shoot at Pretibers. Whew. Thanks for the shield of faith.

God bless,

Great Grany 5 said...

MAC, I found the link I was looking for to send you and after I found it, I realized that you had just posted a link to one of the topics. So, Moriel Ministries is the site I wanted to tell you about.

You know,great minds and all of that tommyrot! Have a great day, night or whatever it is where you live.


Alf Cengia said...

Grany, your "great minds" comment honours me. Thanks.

Brother Mark, I'd never try to sway a mid-weeker, 3/4 weeker or post-tribber. People will see what they want to see.

It's a fact that Christ breaking open the seals is the beginning of judgement of this world by His hand. I find it interesting how the other camps gloss over this truth.